Songlorious update shark tank

Songlorious Update | Shark Tank Season 13

Finding a personal, meaningful gift can be tricky. That’s the driving force behind Ellen Hodges and Omayya Atout’s company, Songlorious, which creates custom songs for every occasion. Did their musical pitch strike a chord with the sharks? Find out what happened after their Shark Tank Season 13 appearance in our Songlorious update.

If you’re short on time, here’s a quick overview of what happened to Songlorious after Shark Tank!

Ellen Hodges and Omayya Atout appeared on Shark Tank Season 13 and left with a four-shark deal worth $500,000 for 40% equity. In terms of a Songlorious update, the company is still in business and has done over $2.9 million in sales since appearing on Shark Tank. Further, they’ve expanded their roster of artists and genres and implemented a “try before you buy” option.

Shark: Result:
Mark Cuban, Kevin O’Leary, Daymond John, and Peter Jones Accepted deal for $500,000 for 40% equity
Lori Greiner No offer

Shark Tank Songlorious Update

Songlorious update shark tank

  • Entrepreneurs: Ellen Hodges and Omayya Atout
  • Business: Personalized songs for any occasion
  • Ask: $400,000 for 10% equity
  • Result: $500,000 for 40% equity
  • Shark: Mark Cuban, Kevin O’Leary, Daymond John, and Peter Jones

Ellen Hodges and Omayya Atout saw an opportunity to use their love of music to make people happy. Some gifts can be impersonal, cold, and not very meaningful. So what’s the alternative? These musicians started with a custom wedding song, sparking the idea to create custom songs for all occasions with their company, Songlorious.

Songlorious is a custom song company. You choose a genre and tell your story, and then one of the artists writes and performs a song made just for you. Prices range from $45 for an acoustic 30-second song, all the way up to $200+ for a fully-produced three-minute song. 

The songs can be about anything, and it’s completely up to the performer to provide instrumentation, vocals, and song lyrics for the customers. Performers are paid 35% to 55% of the total cost, plus any tips that they earn (the average tip is $51).

Songlorious has had some success already. In their first year, they made $700,000. At the time of filming Shark Tank Season 13 Episode 2 in 2021, they’ve already made $1.1 million from their custom songs. 

Ellen and Omayya want to use the investment to expand marketing and bring more customers and musicians to their team. They aren’t businesspeople, so they’re coming to Shark Tank to get help with that side of their operation.

Guest Shark Peter Jones invested in a similar company in the UK, and he understands what it takes to get the business off the ground. He’s had success blowing this type of ‘experience’ business up and making a lot of money.

Mark Cuban, on the other hand, believes that the future of the company rests in replicated voices. He owns a company that does just this. But he doesn’t get to complete his thought before Peter Jones jumps in with an offer. 

Due to his experience, Peter isn’t beating around the bush: he offers $400,000 for 33% equity. He wants to expand to the global market.

Daymond John interjects with a proposal of his own. He offers the same $400,000 but for a 20% stake in the company. 

Kevin O’Leary quickly joins in with a combined offer. He and Mark will go in together at $400,000 for 25% of the company, and the entrepreneurs get two sharks.

Kevin is in the wedding industry with previous Shark Tank companies like Honeyfund and Mark’s AI voice idea might blend with this beautifully.

Mark proposes that Peter go in with them, raising the equity to 33%. Kevin can handle the wedding business, Peter can handle the international, and Mark can deal with the technical side. 

But Daymond wants in too, citing that he knows a lot of people in the music industry and can promote it on social media.

They agree. Kevin, Mark, Peter, and Daymond want in for 40% equity in the company and raise the investment to $500,000. 

This allows the entrepreneurs to stay creative while the sharks handle all of the marketing and other aspects of the business.

Ellen and Omayya counteroffer with up to $800,000 for 40%, but Peter Jones thinks this is too greedy. Instead, they choose to accept the offer: $500,000 for 40% equity, meaning each of the sharks gets 10% of the company. 

After reeling in so many sharks, what happened to Songlorious after their episode aired? 

As far as a Songlorious update goes, the deal with the sharks did go through. The company is still working hard to keep the music alive with around $2.9 million in sales. 

Songlorious has been featured on the Today Show, Good Day LA, and more — even before appearing on Shark Tank. They’re sustaining the momentum with a strong social presence and 11,000 Instagram followers.  

In an interview with Business Insider, the couple shared that their revenue jumped to $2.1 million in the months after their episode aired. Even better, the company was recently valued at $3 million. 

The Songlorious website features numerous five-star user reviews and an expanded talent pool of hundreds of creative artists for customers to choose from. 

They’ve performed over 11,000 custom songs, and counting. They’re setting themselves apart from competitors by offering a “try before you buy” guarantee. 

With so much growth potential, we can’t wait to see what future Songlorious updates will bring. 

Before you go, be sure to check out updates from the other companies featured on Shark Tank Season 13 Episode 2:

For more on Shark Tank Season 13, be sure to check out our Season 13 products page.

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Andrew Smith is the founder and owner of Shark Tank Recap. He is a longtime Shark Tank fan that has been watching it for years and has seen every episode multiple times. His friends know him as the Shark Tank expert, because he can answer any question about the show! His favorite Shark Tank products are Bertello's pizza oven and Bug Bite Thing!

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